Aikido Kokikai
Strength is not only about muscle mass, body size or youth. Kokikai Aikido teaches you to be stronger using timing, mind-body coordination and effective technique.
Kokikai Aikido is an effective self-defense training system that stresses timing, centering and coordination rather than meeting force with force. Through practice, students can become stronger, more self-confident, and respond to conflict calmly and effectively.

Dojo History
David Nachman and Veronica Burrows began their study of Aikido under the direct supervision of Kokikai Aikido founder Shuji Maruyama Sensei. Nachman Sensei holds the rank of eighth degree black belt, having studied Aikido since 1976. Burrows Sensei has studied Aikido since 1977, and also holds the rank of eighth degree black belt. They have taught Aikido to adults and children since 1981, when they founded the Aikido practice group at Princeton Y and Princeton University. They continue teaching at Aikido Kokikai Southwest. Students of their training continue to instruct these flourishing practice groups, and have since founded many additional Aikido groups around the country.
Shuji Mariyama Sensei
Kokikai-Ryu Aikido founder Sensei Shuji Maruyama began his study of Aikido in 1955 under Koichi Tohei Sensei who was at the time chief instructor of Aikido under Master Ueshiba. Later after receiving an introduction from Tohei, Maruyama Sensei apprenticed directly with Master Ueshiba as a live-in student. He dedicated his life to development and instruction of Aikido.